New Grads, Want to Know Who’s Hiring Right Now?
Take a look at the latest list of ads from the state Employment Development Department in Jonathan Horn’s U-T article! Technology and healthcare are still among the occupations with the most job ads.
Take a look at the latest list of ads from the state Employment Development Department in Jonathan Horn’s U-T article! Technology and healthcare are still among the occupations with the most job ads.
Although graduation is supposed to be a joyous time for grads, the focus of today’s commencement ceremonies seems to have shifted. Instead of celebrating the students and their achievements, commencement ceremonies now dwell on the uncertain economy and the challenges that lie ahead. This morning, I came across this Forbes article and wanted to share […]
More and more work these days is being conducted from a desk. It’s no secret that people are not as healthy as they used to be. You would think sitting all day would not be as harmful to your health as it really is. There are things you can do to keep yourself fit and […]
According to this recent KPBS segment, prospects appear to be brightening for 2013 college graduates entering into today’s workforce. This seems to be particularly true for new grads who have earned high-demand degrees in the fields of Business, Science and Technology. In a nationwide online survey of more than 2,000 employers, CareerBuilder asked companies which […]
The need for highly trained technologically savvy individuals increases more every day. Now’s the time to beef up your tech skills, especially if you are in the job market. But where to start? With so many languages, platforms, protocols and other technologies, it’s hard to know what’s worth spending your limited free time to learn. […]
In addition to an unemployment rate of 7.5% and a net job growth of 165,000, the April jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that businesses are relying more on part-timers and temporary help rather than signing on full-time staff. Although some critics view temporary jobs as a bad sign for private sector […]
California’s Employment Development Department recently released its labor force data for March 2013. The report states that the unemployment rate in San Diego County dropped to 7.7% in March, down from a revised 8% in February. This is the first time in more than four years that San Diego County’s unemployment rate has dropped below […]
Each month, the Employment Development Department releases a list of the San Diego County employers who add the most jobs. Here’s a list of the 10 San Diego companies who had the most ads in February 2013: 1. Qualcomm: 1,120 ads 2. Sharp Health Care: 833 ads 3. Volt Information Sciences, Inc.: 759 ads 4. […]
San Diego’s economy is at the best level is has been at in five years according to a report by the University of San Diego. This is good news for job seekers! Take a look at the UT coverage of the report here! takes a look at the eight college degrees that have the lowest return on investment (ROI). Is the degree you are going for one of these? Take a look and see!