Tagged: interview tips

Be Likeable


People like likeable people.  We want to work with people that are good at what they do, but we also want to work with people we could shoot the breeze with at happy hour after a long day.  While hiring managers look at your skill set and qualifications, they are also looking to see if […]

Veterans on the Job Hunt


As a big supporter of the military and military personnel I found this article by Business Insider: Thank You For Your Military Service — Now Here Are 9 Reasons Why I Won’t Hire You to be full of good information for recently discharged troops.  Take a look! Is there anything you think is missing from […]

Leverage Your Strengths


It’s important to leverage your strengths in an interview.  Check out this recent segment on KUSI where we talk about it in more detail:    

Practice Public Speaking to Prepare for Interviews


You’ve landed the interview, you’re stoked, and let’s be honest, a little terrified.   Not to worry, there are ways to prepare that should turn your interview into a conversation, rather than an interrogation.   1 – Know Who You Are:  The person interviewing you is likely to say “ Tell me about yourself.”  Prepare to […]

Be The One They Remember


As a job candidate you want to be the one that stands out among all of the other applicants.  You want to make an impression that sticks.  One that makes it so the hiring manager can’t forget you.  Check out this article that Mashable just put out.  It’s made up of testimonials from hiring managers […]

Polite Persistence


An important part of an interview is showing that you are eager.  Once, the interview is over you need to show your potential employer that you want it and that you are willing to work hard for it.  I call it “polite persistence”…. I went more in depth this week on KUSI.  Take a look!