
Network, Network, Network!


This article by the Wall Street Journal reinforces everything I’ve been saying about networking.  Many companies these days are hiring candidates they may already know or have had their eye on.  Getting out there and meeting people can open the right doors and lead to a job.  Often times, it really is all who you […]

Things May Be Looking Up!


“ Unemployment is slowly dropping and job creation is creeping up” says CNN Money.  The outlook for college grads and the currently unemployed keeps getting better as the economy turns around.  The construction industry, which took a massive hit during the Great Recession, is projected to add 100,000 more jobs in 2013 and a whopping […]

Easing Jobless Holiday Conversations


The holidays can be a very stressful time, especially for people who are unemployed.  Work is a very common topic of discussion at holiday parties, and for someone without a job, these types of conversations can be uncomfortable.  The Wall Street Journal has a few tips to help make holiday party conversation a little less stressful.

2013: Fewer Job Cuts


Manpower’s most recent study predicts there will be fewer job cuts in 2013.  Things are getting better. I spoke with UT San Diego’s Jon Horn about this the other day.  Check it out!

Career Introspection – Opportunities


The “O” in SWOT analysis is Opportunities.  You don’t want to be the rubber ducky being taken away by the stream without control.  Take control of your career and make the most of opportunites that present themselves.  Check out our discussion about opportunites on this week’s segment of Good Morning San Diego.[wpvideo PsJ01XUv]

Best Jobs To Search For In 2013


CBS Money Watch  has release their projections for the best jobs to search for in 2013.  Jobs heavy in computers and mathematics dominate the list.  We’ve entered an era where computers are used by everyone and are here to stay.  As technology develops we will need people to manage and maintain these elaborate systems.  Paying […]

Career Introspection – Weaknesses


This week on KUSI we talk about the “W” in SWOT analysis, weakness.  Often the hardest part of self evaluation, recognizing one’s weakness is an important part of growing as a professional.  Take a gander! [wpvideo Q7R3EPIC]

Career Introspection – Strengths


[wpvideo y6gQzuiW]Check out this week’s KUSI clip… we build on last month’s article about doing a little career introspection and utilizing a SWOT analysis, focusing on strenghts. Next week we will tackle weaknesses.

Manpower’s “Strategies for Success” Scholarship Program


I’m excited to share with you our new “Strategies for Success” training and job placement program. In partnership with Qualcomm, the program will award 20 scholarships to post 9-11 military veterans looking to make an effective transition to the civilian workforce and flourish in the private sector. The 20 scholarships present opportunities for veterans with entry level […]