Monthly Archive: September 2013

Useful tips on how to remain positive in a work slump


Since American workers, on average, spend 45 hours a week at work, having a positive attitude at work is essential for your overall well-being. However, maintaining a positive outlook is sometimes harder than it sounds. A wide range of situations such as downsizing rumors at the office, stressful work load and slashes in employee benefits […]

Employment Opportunity!


Here’s a wonderful opportunity for an Executive Director position with one of Manpower San Diego’s clients. Take a moment to review the listing for all details: Executive Director  

66th Annual Leadership Conference


I would like to personally welcome all the members of Executive Women International to San Diego.  Manpower San Diego is a member of EWI and proud of it.  I am happy to introduce my book Job Won! to you. Congratulations on your 75th Anniversary this year and here’s to a great conference! September 18-21, 2013 […]

How Not To Work Smart


A friend sent these to me today,  How Not To Work Smart,  and I cracked up.  Comedic relief is always welcome! 

Increase Your Earnings and Stay in Shape


It’s not new information, studies have shown that healthier, physically fit people, tend to make more than their less healthy peers.  I came across this Men’s Health Article this morning.  I think it is not only important from a career/salary stand point but from an overall health standpoint.  We are becoming less healthy, and a sedentary office job […]