Monthly Archive: August 2013

Five Toughest Work Conversations


No matter where you are or what industry you work in, you’re likely going to face challenges and have to deal with tough situations in the work place.  CNN Money just posted an article about the five toughest conversations that you may have at work.  Ever had any of these?  Share in the comments below!

Exercise your brain!!


The brain is a muscle.  It need to be exercised and challenged to keep it healthy.  Take a look at this article I came across this afternoon on Linkedin.  Let me know in the comments below if you have ever tried any of these exercises.  Better yet, if you haven’t, try a couple and share […]

10 Quick Productivity Tips


I dug this article by Fast Company.  A lot of good tips, especially if you’re hitting that productivity wall that we are often plagued with come Mid-Friday afternoon.   Keep up the hard work!

August Job-Won! Workshop


Earlier this week I had the honor to present my Job Won! Workshop to members of The Boardroom San Diego. This nonprofit association provides support, networking and job search resources to professionals in transition living in the San Diego community.  The workshop was attended by 25 members who hailed from a wide-range of professional backgrounds.  […]

Leverage Your Strengths


It’s important to leverage your strengths in an interview.  Check out this recent segment on KUSI where we talk about it in more detail: